Reeder & Brown, P.C.


Strict or Lenient? Find Out How Illinois DUI Laws Rank

 Posted on March 27, 2017 in DUI Defense

Strict or Lenient? Find Out How Illinois DUI Laws RankIllinois is in the middle of the pack when it comes to which state has the strictest DUI laws. According to a study by WalletHub, Illinois ranks 19th in its survey of DUI laws across the 50 states and Washington, D.C.

The five states with the strictest DUI laws are:

  1. Arizona (the most strict)
  2. Georgia
  3. Alaska
  4. Oklahoma
  5. Nebraska

The states with the five most lenient DUI laws are:

  1. Ohio
  2. Pennsylvania
  3. North Dakota
  4. District of Columbia
  5. South Dakota (the least strict)

In ranking the states’ laws, the study looked 15 factors, which included:

  • Minimum fines and jail sentences for first and second convictions
  • At what DUI conviction does it automatically become a felony
  • How long prior DUIs will factor in for penalties in future DUIs
  • Additional penalties for high blood alcohol content (BAC)
  • If and when ignition interlock is required
  • Mandatory alcohol evaluation and treatment
  • “No refusal” initiative for sobriety testing

The study points out that as stricter DUI laws have been enacted, the number of deaths caused by DUI accidents has decreased. From 1982 to 2014, drunk driving related deaths have dropped by 57%.

The study also pointed out that ignition interlock requirements driven down the rates of re-arrest. The ignition interlock requires a driver to blow into it, and the car will not start if alcohol is detected. In Illinois, drivers convicted of one DUI are required to use an ignition interlock for one year.

Ignition interlock is a requirement in about half the states. This requirement, according to the federal government, has reduced DUI re-arrest by 67%.

Illinois also requires alcohol abuse treatment or evaluation after a DUI conviction. As for the other factors reviewed by the study, in Illinois a third DUI automatically becomes a felony, and a prior DUI that is 10 years old or newer will be used as a factor in determining a sentence for a later DUI.

Contact an Illinois DUI Attorney

If you have are facing DUI charges, you should speak to a lawyer about your case. DUI charges are serious in any state. You could be ordered to pay fines, required to seek alcohol abuse treatment, and lose your license.

A skilled Will County DUI lawyer will be able to evaluate your case and identify all the factors to assist your case. The Reeder & Brown, P.C. offers free initial consultations. Call 815-885-5980 for a free initial consultation.


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